A new wig for Jolene

Jolene was born with a rare genetic disorder called anhidrotic ectodermal dysphagia that results in baldness, nail deformation, and teeth erosion. Jolene’s mother, brother, and daughter all have the disorder and it has affected each of their lives. Jolene started losing her hair when she was in third grade. By the time she was 11, she was almost completely bald. By age 13, she had the limited number of teeth she had left pulled and was fitted for dentures. Jolene’s got her first office job at age 25 in an accounts payable department. She was qualified and well educated, but she never felt like she fit in. It was obvious that her co-workers didn’t feel comfortable with her appearance. Even though Jolene would often wear a wig to work, if the wig was wet from rain or washing, she sometime had to wear a headscarf. She noticed how people looked at her differently, and more and more employers would tell her that the head scarf was not work appropriate and insist that she wear a wig. She was self-conscious and kept to herself. She didn't have many work friends and felt isolated.

There were bright spots. There was one job, where she stayed for five years, where she was surrounded by a supportive and caring group of co-workers. She finally felt accepted, not judged, and confident in her work and life. It made such a difference!

Unfortunately, over the years, Jolene has come to realize how uncomfortable people are with her baldness. Her current wig is wearing out, losing hair, and looking tattered. She can't afford to buy a new one. Jolene has found a new job and wants to make a good impression and fit in. She wonders if any of our generous and caring friends have a wig that they would donate to help her step confidently into this new page of her life?

UPDATE: January 29, 2016

Thanks to a generous donor (and several other generous offers!), a new wig for Jolene has been donated. Jolene has her new wig and loves it!


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