homelessness prevention Seattle & King county
do you need help with rent?
We know that people are struggling to make ends meet, and many households have gotten behind in rent.
We may be able to help you with your rent if you can answer “yes” to the screening criteria below and are a family with one more kids under age 18 or who are still in high school.
I am still at home but am afraid I will lose my housing, AND at least one of the statements below is true:
In the past, I have called for family shelter or was served in shelter in King County
I was helped by Mary’s Place diversion and outreach program
I was helped through Mary’s Place eviction prevention and rental assistance program
I am pretty sure I got help at Mary’s Place, but I don’t remember when or what program it was called
If you said “yes” to one of the above, you should apply for help below, and we will enter your application into a lottery.
We draw new families each week. If you’re selected, you’ll be contacted by our staff to do a short eligibility screening to see if you qualify for rent help. If you are not selected that week, we will email you and your family will be re-entered into the lottery. Please make sure to keep an eye on your email! You are not eligible for this program if you said “no” to the application screening criteria. Everyone who completes an application will get an email with a status update.
Mary’s Place may share the information that you provide and information about the services that you receive from Mary’s Place for research and evaluation purposes. This information will not contain any information that could be used to identify you, like your name or birthdate. It will not be used in a way that will reveal who you are or connect your individual responses to you. Federal or state laws may require us to show information to university or government officials or funders. You will not be identified in any publication from this research. Because there is limited funding for the program, you may be offered the opportunity to participate in a lottery to determine what kind of homelessness prevention services you receive. In this case, a computer will use a lottery to see what kind of services you receive.
If you have questions about the research, please contact David Phillips at 574-631-3083 or David.Phillips.184@nd.edu. Also available in Arabic and Tigrinya. If you have questions about Mary's Place Prevention Program, please email MP_Prevention@marysplaceseattle.org.
looking for legal help regarding eviction?
Call the statewide eviction defense screening line at 855-657-8387 or visit their website. In addition to rental assistance, tenants who earn less than twice the federal poverty line can get a free lawyer under the state's new Right to Counsel program and should immediately seek legal assistance if they receive eviction notices.
If you have received a legal summons from your landlord, please contact the Housing Justice Project for free legal assistance with eviction related issues (interpreter services are available). If you have received a 14-Day notice to Pay or Vacate, make sure to respond in writing about your plans and keep records of all correspondence with your landlord. To learn more about the eviction process, please visit the Tenants Union of WA State.