mary's place blog
canine companions - Latte brings lots love to families and staff at Mary's Place!
Service dog Latte often joins Nurse Jeanne at work at Mary’s Place. Jeanne says, “one of Latte’s future jobs may be as a Facility Service Dog, where she’ll bring smiles and love to those she interacts with.” Latte certainly does that at Mary’s Place where she spreads good cheer to guests and staff alike.
Mary's Place Outreach Manager, Grace Polanco, shares her journey to Mary's Place
Mary’s Place Outreach Manager, Grace Polanco, works with families in our community who are currently unsheltered and living in cars and tents to help them back into stable housing. Grace shares her story and dives into what brought her to do this important work at Mary’s Place.
We can, and must, keep families in their homes
Rachel and Jackson Smith (not their real names) have four children between the ages of 11 and 19. Jackson uses a wheelchair as a result of a stroke. Mary's Place helped the Smiths move to a new home in early 2019. Rachel was working then but lost her job as a school bus driver when schools closed due to COVID-19. Unless we act quickly to prevent homelessness with assistance programs scaled to meet the need, thousands of families like the Smiths will face homelessness.
moving forward
We are heartbroken by the murder of George Floyd, the latest death of a Black man by police. We stand with him, his family, and the Black community as we mourn.
How Bastyr University has made a priceless impact on the health of women experiencing homelessness
For the last 16 years, Bastyr University’s Clinical Program has been working with Mary’s Place to provide medical care to women at the Women’s Day Center with the use of naturopathic medicine.
Congregation Makes-a-Home for a Mary's Place Family
The transition out of homelessness is made even more gratifying when you have the furniture and essentials to feel at home!
Popsicle Place - a safe haven for unsheltered families with critically-ill children
Keola needed medical care. His family needed shelter. Mary’s Place helped with both.
the day center community
Mary’s Place is a refuge for women and families that each day feeds, clothes, and shelters more than 700 individuals, with more than 700 different reasons having brought them to one of our eight sets of doors.
A new wig for Jolene
Jolene was born with a rare genetic disorder called anhidrotic ectodermal dysphagia that results in baldness, nail deformation, and teeth erosion.